Heart of the City

Performing with this group was an interesting time! I had been in Austin, TX for about six months when I received a text message sent out to a list of trumpet players inquiring about recording and performing with them. I immediately responded and agreed to come out the next night to meet/jam with them. After that meet/jam, they told me they were going in the studio to record six tracks in a couple days & would like me to be on them. I showed up, having never heard their music outside of what I was shown at our initial hang, and while listening to them record their parts composed my parts for six tracks on the spot & recorded them. I recorded more tracks later as time went on. We performed all over Austin and DFW. Below are a couple music videos.

The River

We recorded this at an old church between Austin and San Antonio.


The End of Suffering

A lot of the pentatonic patterns I use in this tune came from transcribing Blue Mitchell on his recording “Where It’s At.”


Rainbow Danger Club